Andrew Hillier has spoken at the ICCO Global Summit in Warsaw (11 – 12 October 2023) on  ‘misinformation and restoring trust in media and democracy’ and as Board Member of the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) pledged the association’s endorsement and active support of the ICCO Media Information and Education Pledge.

ICCO Media Information and Education Pledge

The Pledge, launched at The European Council in Strasbourg, where Andrew also spoke, in June, emphasises the need for organisations spanning PR & communications, broadcast media, journalism, institutions, and online media to acknowledge a shared responsibility in tackling misinformation and disinformation and commit to shared solutions and measures for prevention. In endorsing the Pledge the EACD joins founding supporters the Council of Europe and The Trust Project, an international consortium of news organisations.

Representing the EACD Board and EACD members across Europe, Andrew said:

Communicating with clarity and integrity is at the heart of what the EACD stands for. The excellent work of The Trust Project in galvanizing and highlighting journalism’s commitment to balance, fairness and factual accuracy is essential in tackling misinformation and disinformation. The EACD is a proud partner in the ICCO and Trust Project’s mission, as supported by the Council of Europe, and is committed to the aims of the Media Information and Education Pledge.

As communication leaders, the professional challenges we face daily are complex and nuanced in a fast-paced, always-on, interconnected world. Currently, as we are overshadowed by climate change, war and political and social polarization, the scourge of misinformation and orchestrated disinformation is growing. And as technology advances at lightning speed, so the ways businesses, societies and individuals engage are changing. It is critical that we are a force for good, ensuring truth and verifiable facts underpin confidence in media and democracy.

Global Women in PR (GWPR) co-founder, Sue Hardwick, added the GWPR’s endorsement of the ICCO Media information and Education Pledge at the Warsaw Summit. Signing up to the Pledge on behalf of the GWPR, Sue said:

The ever-growing challenge of misinformation is something that impacts all of our members. From distribution of unhelpful or misleading information to using falsehoods in stoking deliberately damaging narratives, this is a battle that women at all levels across the PR industry are fighting. I am pleased the pledge seeks to bring together a cross section of disciplines to tackle these issues and place education at the heart of the solution.

ICCO European President, and Misinformation Lead, Massimo Moriconi is key to enlisting the support of the EACD and GWPR to the steadily growing growing initiative. He commented:

Misinformation is not an issue that can be solved in isolation by one country or one industry. This pledge is a foundation upon which ICCO will continue to build the alliances necessary to create shared solutions and education tools required to make headway in the continuous battle against misinformation and disinformation. I am very pleased that more alliances have been formed in Warsaw and we have two more esteemed organisations committing to the cause.

Representing the EACD and Hillier Consulting, Andrew will be hosting a series of events in major cities across Europe, in the coming months to explore further the theme of tackling misinformation and orchestrated disinformation – particularly important with regard to Russia’s continuing war on Ukraine, armed conflict in the Middle East and upcoming parliamentary and general elections.