Hillier Consulting is proud today to deliver the 2016 Thorngate Living annual report. This is the fifth consecutive annual report we have designed and produced for Thorngate Living. It accompanies the fifth design for the Thorngate Living annual accounts, also designed by Hillier Consulting.
Contemporary and engaging for a diverse target adience
The 2016 Thorngate Living annual report is published this morning (3 November 2016). It is a significant document detailing the work of the charity over the past year and its plans for the year ahead. An invaluable source of information, it is widely read by Thorngate Living residents, their families and prospective residents who might be considering applying to live in one of the purpose-built modern sheltered housing flats.
Best-in-class publication for the residential care sector
The activities and performance of Russell Churcher Court, the Thorngate Living residential care home is also covered in detail within the report.
Hillier Consulting advises Thorngate’s chief executive, Anne Taylor, to ensure a best-in-class publication. The report features photography taken by, as well as that commissioned and directed by Hillier Consulting. Residents and staff are all encouraged to participate each year.